Thursday, January 30, 2020

Health Care Museum Essay Example for Free

Health Care Museum Essay My proposal for a new health care hall of fame museum would include several things. My museum will pay tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of health care in the United States. These developments has helped change and save the lives of many people. Exhibit 1: Vaccines and Medications Vaccines and Medications are very important. With these two we have had a significant decrease in the number of people that were hospitalized or caused death. With the â€Å"advances in medical science† you can be protected against more diseases. Medicines can either heal, prevent, or stop diseases or a sickness. Medicine can be used in the form of a tablet, syrup, drugs, and exercise. When we get sick we take medicine for many different reasons. With the help of medicine it will â€Å"restore us back to normal†. Exhibit 2: Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease If you do not have control of infectious diseases from spreading, then we all can be at risk of a big epidemic of disease that are contagious. You have different community partners and health care providers that work with people to discuss the pros and cons of the infectious diseases. We all should work together to prevent the spreading of any kind of germ. This can be something as simple as washing your hands more frequently throughout the day. You would also use vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Exhibit 3: Technology Technology is a great advancement for the health fields, especially now that it is improving every day. Technology has become an important source to obtain medical information. Everyone is using technology on so many  different ways. They are using it to reach â€Å"wider populations,† contact with patients, public awareness, community outreach, and any questions that you may have medically, you can chat with doctors and nurses online as well. Exhibit 4: Medical Equipment Medical Equipment is something I choose, because with the different types of medical equipment it can save many lives. You have different types of medical equipment. â€Å"Diagnostic medical imaging machines† are used to help with diagnosis. MRI, Ultrasound, CT scanner equipment is used to maintain a person’s function. These are just some of the medical equipment’s. You also have other machines that monitor your vital organs in your body. Like EKG machines to monitor your heart, lung and dialysis machines. Exhibit 5: Oxygen Oxygen is needed by all living organism. Without oxygen humans will not be able to survive. In institutions like hospitals, they keep a supply of oxygen in stock that is provided to patients who have difficulty breathing. We must take care of ourselves in order to have a longer life span and in order to live healthy. All of my exhibits that are presented to you, I feel are very important and vital in the health care field. These are all thing that we need in the health care and in order to survive. Reference 1. Health Statistics. Health U.S. 2010: With Special features on death and dying. Hyattsville MD:CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, 2011

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Religion in the Old Testament :: essays research papers

The Exodus of the Israelites is the equivalent to our present day Fourth of July or Bastille Day to the French. Israelite writers discuss the Exodus the most out of any other event in history. The story of the Exodus is one of the most famous stories of the Old Testament. Three of the most significant aspects of the story of Exodus are the call of Moses, the use of plagues as miracles, and the Passover. Moses was a Hebrew who was raised with Egyptian upbringing and education. As he grew he either knew that he was an Israelite or simply sympathized with Israelites in bondage. We know this by the action he took when he saw an Egyptian guard beating on a Hebrew slave. Moses interfered, killed the guard, and buried him. So Moses fled Egypt to Mount Sinai out of fear. This is the location in which God revealed his personal name to Moses and called upon him to lead his people out of the land of Egypt. Miracles are fore-facts of the future done on a small scale. There had been no appearance of God to anyone for more than four hundred years, so people probably thought the age of miracles was long gone. The people would not have accepted Moses as God’s spokesperson without some kind of proof. The miracle-plagues were just that. They are significant because of the number of them that were brought forth. There were ten. The number ten is significant to completeness. God said that he would execute judgment against all of the false gods of Egypt, and each plague was said to be directed toward a particular heavenly deity. So the ten plagues reveal the full wrath of God’s judgment on Egypt. The first nine Plagues were just God proving that he was more powerful than the Egyptian gods. They were simply tricks in comparison to the final one. The tenth plague, the death of the firstborn, was the most powerful of all. This final plague brought death to all Egyptian homes, even the home of the beloved pharaoh, and ensured Israel’s release from slavery. After this calamity, pharaoh had no choice but grant Israel their demands and he even pleaded for blessings from them. This plague destroyed idolatry and showed that life and death are in the hands of God. The first Passover was a night to remember. In preparation for the tenth and final plague, Moses instructed the people to observe the first Passover.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Recession in economics Essay

Recession in economics is generally used to refer to a situation at which a nation’s gross domestic product has sustained a negative growth. The use of generally is due to the fact that different economists can describe recession in different ways. The agency responsible for declaring a nation’s economy is at a state of recession is mainly the NBER other wise the National Bureau of Economic Research. It has been argued that the normal recession occurs when the natural growth rate of is less than two percent in average and it lasts virtually over one year. There have emerged various debates concerning the causes of recessions however, the generally agreed cause of recession is mainly by the actions taken with an aim at controlling the supply of money in the economy. The Federal Reserve is mandated with the responsibility to maintain the balance between money supply, inflation and interest rates. The moment the balance is lost in this equation,the economy can run out of control forcing itself to balance. This is exactly was experienced by many nations in the year 2007. The Federal Reserve monetary policy injected significant amount of money supply in the money market. This kept the interest rate low while at the same time the rate of inflation continued to rise. This together with relaxed policies that govern the lending practices made borrowing of money easy thus the economic activities became unsustainable and consequently leading to the economy coming to a stand still. Other minor factors that cause the economic recessions could be the presence of wars or the increase of oil prices. They are however, short term and correct themselves in a faster way. A recession can always be spotted before it occurs. It is possible to oversee an economic scale changing especially in quarters coming before the actual onset. Some these signs may include,high levels of unemployment, decline in stock market, decline in housing prices and lack of foreign investment among many other factors. A global recession is generally a significant fall of economic activity that is spread across the world’s economy. It should last more than three months and is usually more visible in a nation’s gross domestic product, industrial production, real income in addition to wholesale and retail sales among others. Recessions normally starts immediately after the economy has reached a peak of activities and comes to an end as the economy reaches its trough. It is involved with simultaneous declines and falling of commodity prices otherwise called deflation. Alternatively, it may be a sharp rise of commodity prices also called inflation mostly in a process called stagflation. A severe recession may be referred to as economic depression. Global recession usually is estimated to occur over a cycle that may last between eight to ten years. It has been said that during the last three decades, the world per capita output growth has been either none or negative. Most of the global nations have been affected by the recession both the developed and the developing nations. If nations like the US, UK and Australia among other nations can feel the pinch,what about the poor countries in the developing world? The recession of the early year 2000 was mostly felt in western nations. It affected the European Union during the year 2000 and 2001 as well as the US in the year 2002 and year 2003. Countries like Australia and Canada avoided the recession for the better part of the time. Russia began to prosper while Japan continued with its 1990s recession. This recession did not meet the economists by by surprise. They had predicted it following the 1990s boom which had the experiences of both low unemployment and low inflation. In the United States of America, the recession was took the form of large layoffs and outsourcing in addition to formally highly paid employees who are being coerced into less paid service positions. In answering the Alan Greenspan question, it is actually becoming clear that Europe is not an exception of the global recession. The previous confidence enjoyed by the UK housing market has fallen especially in march to the lowest point in the last three decades. Other countries like Ireland and Spain have housing markets that have fallen over the last decade to the earth. There is a prediction that these and other nations might possibly experience a wholesale collapse. Once the housing markets more so in eastern Europe as well as Baltic estates are experiencing a significant cooling,the western European have now stopped buying properties places like Estonia, Warsaw and other places. In southern China and in India,the prices are no more surging. The stock markets have experienced sharp down fall after reaching high levels thus people do not have money to buy what they want vivid example is the slowing down of sale of apartments in Hong Kong which is usually a very hyper active market. Britain have had one of the most robust housing markets in Europe with little of an oversupply than in Spain. According to Alan Greenspan who was the former chairman of Federal Reserve said that global recession might create backlashes that might force nations to retreat from the worldwide markets. This decade’s early years global recession have had little effects on the Eastern and Central Europe’s export markets. The first phase of the financial gloom spared this region which affected the initial public offerings, acquisitions and mergers. It also experienced a few multinationals scrapping projects and cancelling of planned investments in addition to scaling back the oversees expansion. A study conducted by Vienna Institute of Economic studies in year 2003 showed that the FDI flows to the nations of central Europe were halved in the first three months of year 2002 in spite of their well grounded and looming European Union membership. During the years 1999 to 2003,there were frequent delays in export transactions. Privatization also attracted little interest. It is of no doubt that Europe is headed for a recession.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Spectroscopy The Search for Extraterrestrial Life Essay

Throughout history humanity has been fascinated by the existence of extraterrestrial life. Today such ventures are in the development process and the discovery of life beyond our solar system, no matter how primitive, may soon become a huge(important?) scientific breakthrough. The three basic things that are required to consider a place even remotely habitable are water, a source of energy, and organic materials. Habitability also depends on other factors that must also be taken into consideration such as how close the planet is to its star (in the case of our solar system, the sun), how long the water and organic materials existed there, and the size and mass of the planet. One must not confuse habitable with inhabited. The term†¦show more content†¦A red dwarf star’s HZ, for example, would be much closer to the star itself compared with that of our sun. It is also important to determine the planet’s size and mass, which is imperative in deciding whether it can sustain an atmosphere. Maintaining an atmosphere is essential for life to exist and small a planet with a small gravitational force at its surface may not be capable of retaining one. The Kepler transit data can only measure planet masses, diameters, orbital periods, and parent star types and although this information is useful for determining habitable zones, further data is required to determine true habitability. The latter can be done by studying the composition of the exoplanet’s atmosphere. The best technology available today for studying the chemical composition of stars and planets is spectroscopy, a scientific tool that dissects light into its component colours (Astronomy mag. P.31). â€Å"A planet within 100 light-years of Earth is close enough to provide sufficient light for scientists to dissect light into its component colors† (Ray Villard, Astronomy ). Spectrographs are used by astronomers to observe discrete spectra. Discrete spectra are produced by gases, such as †¦ when specific wavelengths of light are absorbed or emitted by the gases. This causes dark bands to appear on the spectrum where the specific wavelengths of light are absent. A scientist canShow MoreRelatedLife in the Universe Exercises and Questions779 Words   |  4 Pages1. Why are scientists interested in the possibility of life beyond Earth? The discovery of life of any kind beyond Earth would forever change our perspective on how we fit into the universe as a whole, and would teach us much more about life here on Earth. 2. People have long been interested in life beyond Earth. What is different today that makes this possibility seem scientifically reasonable? Today, technology has flourished and is more advanced than it was in the past. We are able to